Sunday, November 6, 2011

Assignment 3: Urban Fantasy

For this assignment, I decided to take on an apocalyptic stand when it comes to urban fantasy.

Original Images


Online Imageries


Developmental Process

Final Output

Urban Fantasy- Apocalypse

What happens to a beautiful cityscape if we do not take good care of it? Excessive consumption of natural resources such as oil, coupled together with humans-mediated activities like war and starvation, nothing bodes well for the humankind. A juxtaposition of what might happen in the future against the current serene city is used to warn us to take immediate actions now, or else suffer dire consequences.

The second image (right) was created (tweaked) after receiving comments that the positions of the 3 symbolic images are too "safe" in terms of positions, and that I need to improve on the transparencies as well.

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