Sunday, October 9, 2011

Tutorial 3: Photoshop techniques

I didn't attend the tutorial this week because I was involved in this:

That being said, I managed to learn a tip or two after lecture from Shane, our damn-zai classmate, where he shared with us the technique on masking.

To put things simply, (in my own words and interpretation)
Masking = non destructive way of editing of images. Goes hand in hand with blending.

And the "refine edges" in CS5, works miracles and speed up the selection process!

Last but not least, I learned about the "clone" stamp in Adobe Lightroom (no doubt it's not photoshop, but still!), where it covers blemishes better than in Photoshop! 'Cause it automatically copies the area around the spot, unlike photoshop where you manually select the area to copy. Goodbye pimples! 

I shall put these into good use into my next assignment (esp. masking!)

Peace out!

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