The first thing that comes to my mind are things that I like: chocolates, dancing, bookscraping, singing, mixing, taking pictures etc. At this point of time, suddenly I dont like my name- it's either too long (Josephine) or too short (Jo) and i refuse to accept others (Jose ?! no~) Left with no choice, i ended up choosing my surname- Siow.
Hence the skeches:
Based on my friends who took the same module last sem, they talked about integration of design. That spurs me to think and choose the designs that best reflects the natural integration of the letters into the object chosen. So I chose the camera and DJ mixer instead.
Upon completion of the roughs, I thought i liked the mixer idea, but the readability of the letters presented by the knobs appears to be quite low. I could only make out the "W" from the microphone wires. As for the camera, the idea seemed cliche- a lot of people could have thought of the same thing too, it's quite normal, common and not very innovative. But it's a decent piece to work on nonetheless, though personally I thought the film was placed abit too awkwardly. (It's an attempt to make things more natural rather than making the "S" a sticker design placed there on purpose)
During the critique session, as what I expected, most prefered the camera idea as compared to the mixer due to its low readability.
For the mixer, Jing pointed out something useful I thought is worth considering.
As I was complaining on how difficult to draw the mixer as accurately as possible, she said I could simplify the picture and reduced it to a pictogram-like diagram and the effect will still be the same.
I guess I could be called a realist- trying to make every object I drew as normal and real as possible. That explains the black colour of the camera and the grey colour of the mixer.
However, while others talked about the readability of my word, Jing said something which I've never exactly thought about. And of course it's a fruitful one- I knew I've learned something.
1) What does the camera mean to me? That i like taking photos? or do i like cameras? That's a good question. The activity or the equipments. Jing said that the whole canvas is yours, and you use the whole canvas to portray your idea instead of the object itself. It's the meaning behind the whole canvas that I need to think about when depicting my idea.
2) The colour scheme and the type of camera I choose. The DSLR that I chose, does it mean that I'm a serious photographer? (No, I chose it because it best represents a camera and I like to take pictures to keep all my memories with my loved ones and favourite things)
Instead of an SLR, I could choose lomograph instead as that is more casual and relfect my character more accurately.
3) The placement of the object: Right at the centre- Differenct orientation, placement and sizes tells something different about the you. Whether I'm bold, shy etc.
I wouldnt mind being in the centre sometimes, maybe that explains my position of camera.
After all the insights I've gained, I went back and did my final prototype with AI:

I've added bright colours to the SLR to signify that I'm a serious worker but I know how to have fun too. I've added a background, a collage of photos which portray what I like- capturing memories with my loved ones and favourite things. I increased the transparency of the background so that there would be a visual fight between the camera and the photographs.
I thought that my colour shades are problematic, the shadows especially. I wanted to have the effect of the camera lie on top of the photographs, but I can't seem to have an embedded kind of a feeling. =(
During the second round of critique session, the comments I've recieved are pretty much the ones that I've thought about. Especially the readability of my "S", it made me quite sad, because as much as I wanted to make it natural, the film has to be 1 strip at least to make the film natural. I think I have to overlay some photographs over the film to make the "S" more obvious.
To help with the embedded feeling of the camera, Jing and her assistant suggested distorting the background with photoshop to create the effect. I shall try. =)
Generally the things I've learned are figure and ground, colour scheme, placement etc. Good exercise to lay down the foundation.
Some of the class designs by my peers that I liked includes the circuit board- how Lionel can hide his name under organised systems of wires and circuits.
It's amazing what you can with the simpliest things- lines.
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