- Wanted to remind commuters to be considerate and not put their belongings beside them and occupying an empty seat unneccessarily.

I was thinking between a probibition sign (Left) and a take note sign (Right)So I did both and showed it to the class.
Placement of the signs:

Design Critique from the class:
1) Lines are too thin. Abstractions, Pictogram are mainly composed of thick simple lines that can convey message as directly and simply as possible.
2) The jump from 1 ladies bag to 2 plastic bags is abit too wide.
3) The message may be misinterpreted into : do not leave any belongings behind; OR beware of any suspicious article behind.
- This stumped me. It turns out my reasoning of taking the person out during abstraction is flawed. My reasoning was that the main character is the bag since we're advising people not to be inconsiderate and put the BAG beside the person. But after the misinterpretation, having the person, even if just one part of the person appearing in the pictogram, the message would be more effective.
Lesson learnt: Always think of how different people will interpret the design and make sure not only you are able to convey the message effectively, but the recepients have to recieve it correctly.
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